If any two people have something in common it is the quest for identity. Everyone comes into this world not knowing who they are or who they will become and it is the ultimate goal of life to solve the puzzle of our true character. So how do we really know? How do we know when we are right? Do we have any control over the outcome? It is a daunting question, but I feel it is important to be able to have a solid confidence and faith in one's self in order to contribute to the world.
I have personally battled through many wars waged against this very topic. It is an odd time in our lives where independence scratches the surface for the first time without the fall back of having our parents save the day. As an adolescent, it does not seem strange that I have often felt lost, confused, a lonely wanderer. Dealing with various health problems and the bumps in life has often left me feeling weak when I should feel strong, alone when I am surrounded, and sad when I am blessed. Searching for myself is an ongoing process that continues to baffle me.

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